Transformational Journey 2023

Residential Personal Growth Retreat Program at ANGELUS Retreat

Menzies Creek, Melbourne, Vic 

This Journey Intensive is for those who are dedicated to growth and who want to reset their lives.

Don’t Want to be

  • Frustrated & Fatigued
  • Depressed & Confused
  • Dis-enchanted with life

Want to have

  • Vibrant Health
  • Happiness, Joy, Fun
  • Connection & A Purposeful Life

Experienced Wellness Expert, Integrative Medicine Doctor and Mind Body facilitator Dr Margaret Jiin Nguand her team will take you under her wing for 9 months to support you through your Journey of Transformation

Dr Margaret Jiin Ngu (MBBS Monash, FACNEM, MAMAC, MSE (Psych)isa Monash University medical graduate (1978) of 40yrs., a recognized Mental Health provider and practicing Integrative Medicine for the past 40yrs. Founded the Transformational Journey from 1991.
Dr Jiinhas taught journeyers a wealth of wisdom from the many Arts of Healing to the Journey Retreats inclusive of Esoteric Healing, Esoteric Psychology, Journey Work, Art Therapy, Psychodrama, Psychosynthesis, Breath Work, Quantum Breakthrough Process, Process Work (Process Oriented Psychology) and Hakomi Principles of Mind Body Integration.

Ross Angelo is host at our ANGELUS Retreat and will make you very welcome to our retreat home when you come to experience the Transformational Medicine Journeys and Retreats. Ross has co facilitated many Retreats with Dr Jiin and has special interest in supporting personal transformations and in making documentaries about the human spirit.

Additional Workshops

Body Awareness Workshop: Sol Petersen is an internationally recognized innovator and teacher in the field of mindbody health and wellness. He has a Bachelor of Education in Adaptive Physical. He is a graduate of the Hakomi Experiential Psychology Training and practices Body Psychotherapy, Structural Integration, Watsu Aquatic bodywork and Craniosacraltherapy.Sol was a former senior trainer and trustee for the Hellerwork Structural Integration school for ten years and now leads his own Structural Integation trainings in Europe and NewZealand.

Sol is a longtime Tai Ji teacher and creator and founding trustee of the beautiful Mana Retreat Centre in Coromandel, New Zealand. Sol is a musician and poet and developer of the NZ Mens Inner Warrior Empowerment Programme. Sol's greatest passions are the development of a truly integrative body therapy and empowering people to embody their potential. He lives at Mana and teaches internationally

Here are what some of our past participants had tosay:

Faye Rigby

“The support I received from the others in the group was immeasurable. I could not have done it without them. The process itself and the way Jiin facilitated it made a very difficult time in my life bearable. I sincerely believe that this process has changed my life if not saved it. ..”

Marilyn Shaw

“I feel these retreats have been an incredibly positive journey. From being a quite sick Breast cancer patient to a glowing woman who feels fantastic and mentally stronger...Every retreat has taught me so many positive constructive ways to deal with life’schallenges..”


“I have learned that much of my life has been regimented and out of balance. I have learned the importance of living in the moment, to be grateful for each day of my life, the importance of my feelings, need for balance and enormous benefit of meditation and relaxation. I am now determined to let my heart control my life and to pursue my mission each day for the rest of my life...”

Jeff Hare

“The Journey has been the most amazing life changing experience of my life. It has helped me believe in myself and learn more about myself. It has improved my relationships with family, friends and work colleagues. I find life more rewarding and now get so much more out of it. My life is more peaceful and I have a clearer mind. My health symptoms have reduced dramatically. I cannot speak highly enough of this experience...”

Ivan Jurcevic

“This Journey has changed my health and my life. It has helped to put me on a path of self-love and self-appreciation. I am now able to consciously choose my life and to experience itfully...”


“I arrived at the Journey with no expectations of knowing how I was feeling. Throughout everyone’s sharing I was able to use their pain and courage to develop my growth and unlock the gem within myself. Understanding your feelings and being able to be authentically REAL is rare in society and I now have the tools to be in touch with my feelings in a moment...”


“This Journey has been an amazing self-discovery. Becoming aware of myself, my feelings and my body sounds simple, but has been something that I have unknowingly avoided. This awareness has lead to a life changing openness and honesty of myself to myself and others...”

Kumar Kumaraselan

“I finally understand that to be conscious, I need to allow myself to be more aware of my feelings and that of others. I will have to learn, how to access that inner realm of my consciousness or awareness. I believe that I am well on my way to achieving this new consciousness".

Registration Form:

Where: ANGELUS Retreat, 23 Jacksons Hill Rd. Menzies Creek 3159

When: Friday from 5.30pm to Sunday 5pm

Bring: A mains dish to share. Snack foods if you need. Light Breakfast, Morning and afternoon teas provided. Bring Sketch book, writing material and crayons. Own towels & toiletries. Loose layered clothing. Jacket & Walking shoes.

Accommodation: $100 for weekend. Twin share with own en-suite.

  • $1250
  • With Spirit-Us sponsorship $750

Register: only 12 places available.

Register with deposit or fill in registration form provided
Further Info:

Registration Form

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