Spirit-Us Initiative

A Not-For-Profit Initiative Supporting Pathways in Realizing Inspirations that Transform Us to inspire love, sharing and caring in action for the Future of Humanity. We invite you to join us in the founding of this initiative.

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Philosophy & Vision

As founders of Spirit-Us we believe that we (all of life on planet Earth) are all connected as one family and when we remember who we truly are as having come and now returning to Source of Life, we as Humanity will rally together supporting this Life, this Earth, nurture Nature and teach each other our transformational journeys and transcend together in the Spirit of Love and Right Human Relationships.


Spirit-Us is a not-for-profit initiative whose purpose is to encourage communities and Support Pathways vested in Realizing Inspirations that Transform Us – in Education & Health, Cultural & Economic Vibrancy, Collaboration & Social Innovation for the Future of Humanity.


There are many heart-felt individuals, groups, communities who wish to make a difference and make the world a better place in the spirit of love. However, they need our support physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually and financially.

Spirit-Us is committed to:

  • Encourage the community (schools, universities, community groups and organisations) to submit projects (in above impact areas) that inspire kids and adults of all ages to want to better their lives; and show case their inspirational endeavours through competitions, environmental projects, seminars/workshops, creative arts, designs, poetry, story, video or plays.

  • Finding funds to support these projects – offering prizes, grants, scholarships etc

  • Finding volunteer mentors for individuals and groups for their projects and/or enterprise.

  • Showcasing projects, inspirations, wisdom experiences on the site online and in social community gatherings to inspire love, sharing and caring in action.

  • Promoting or sponsoring Seminars and workshops that educate and inspire in the areas of Health, Education, Environment and Creative Arts.

  • Partnering with like minded sponsors interested in the betterment of community and humanity – mentally, spiritually, economically.

Founding Members 

The following founding members have contributed their skills, experience, wisdom, spiritual and financial resources to support initiatives for the Future of Humanity.

How to be a Founding Member:

Any individual or group with similar vision is invited to join in this initiative. The benefit is that together we can combine our resources (ideas, creativity, skills, spiritual and financial) and achieve more. We invite Founders to give a once off amount to get the Initiative started and/or an annual contribution for ongoing sponsoring of projects submitted

Email application to: info@spirit-us.org